The good you do today in bringing music to young people translates into a future world of more lifelong singers, and the Society’s 2018 Grants Program will help you extend your capacity to do just that.
Youth Outreach Grants, which range from $500 to $10,000, are designed to support youth outreach projects of a chapter/district/other non-profit organization, and might include activities such as:
- promoting singing among youth
- enhancing choral music programs
- expanding singing to include underserved areas or populations within your community through an event or workshop.
All proposed projects must focus on the art of barbershop music/arrangements and a cappella singing. However, applicant organizations are not required to focus exclusively on barbershop music.
We are now accepting applications from September 1 - 30, 2017, for youth outreach projects occurring from January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018.

After undergoing a competitive evaluation process, most applicants will be well-positioned to utilize the information gathered when competing for other local or regional grant opportunities.
Please note that the Vision Grant program has been retired. Projects outside the scope of youth outreach will have an opportunity to apply with a project plan in the Spring. Although we are not offering the Innovation Grant for the Fall 2017 window, changes to the Innovation grant application process will be announced at a later date.
Annual support from Harmony Foundation International makes it possible to leverage the generosity of donors through the manpower and brainpower of hundreds of Barbershoppers to make a difference in your communities.