Virtual Junior Quartet Challenge Brings Barbershop to New Singers
Category 4 Barbershop, hailing from Liberty High School in Bethlehem, PA, emerged at the top of a strong field of 17 young quartets, with favorites selected by more than 8,600 fans!
Congratulations to these quartets for placing in the Virtual Junior Quartet Challenge!

5th Place: The Perfect 4ths Hopewell Valley Central High School (665 Votes)
4th Place: Tetrachord St. Francis High School (731 Votes)
3rd Place: The Sole Sisters St. James Academy (944 Votes)
2nd Place: AcousChix Alexandria Central School (1,200 Votes)
1st Place: Category 4 Barbershop Liberty High School (1,323 Votes)
Watch them again - and then vote at Virtual Midwinter!
These top 5 quartets will have their video shown at the 2021 Virtual Midwinter Convention Saturday afternoon show on January 30, then the audience will select their favorite quartet video for a final overall winner!
How it all started
In October 2020, the Barbershop Harmony Society introduced a brand new event in the a cappella world: the Virtual Junior Quartet Challenge! With the reimagination of the Midwinter Convention, the Barbershop Harmony Society offered an alternative singing opportunity for junior quartets (18 & under), while also providing music educators with the option to include this in their virtual classrooms. We highly encouraged physically distant singing and creative fun. This FREE event was open to ALL quartets of any gender with members aged 18 and under.
With no way to know how many quartets would participate, we were delighted to welcome 17 quartets - many of whom had never before participated in any Barbershop Harmony Society event!
PLUS: Coaching with the Champs experience for participating quartets
Two past Next Generation Junior Varsity Quartet Champions, The Quin-tones (2019) and Singing Double (2020), offered every participating quartet the chance to receive free, personalized, one-on-one private coaching with their corresponding voice part within the Junior champion quartet. Four quartets took The Quin-Tones and Singing Double up on their offer!