The Detroit Free Press ran a great profile of a Barbershopper who held his Afterglow before his funeral.
Three weeks ago, Johnny Wearing learned that the liver cancer he'd been battling for years had progressed for the worse. The 92-year-old World War II veteran has a few weeks, maybe a few months, to live.
Despite a long and fulfilling life — one filled with children, grandchildren, tons of friends and a love for singing in a barbershop quartet — the news was depressing and difficult to digest.
Then friend and confidant, Matthew Seely, 55, pointed out a bright spot.
"I said, 'Johnny, you have a chance nobody gets. You can say good-bye,'" recalled Seely, whose father Russ had been best friends and singing partners with Wearing.
Singing was an integral part of Sunday's festivities. Since Wearing has been in more than 40 quartets over the years, many singing partners were on hand. Impromptu a cappella sessions occurred throughout the day, including many with Wearing himself.
"He likes being on stage, that was what he was all about, singing, being on stage, that was what he was all about," said son Tom.