Subsidiary Organizations
Some of our best education resources come from members’ own subsidiary organizations.
The Woodshedders
The Woodshedders promote and practice the fine art of impromptu singing by ear, known as woodshedding.
Clinics at regional schools, hospitality, singing at conventions, and an absolute commitment to the craft of making music on the spot with friends and strangers alike are the linchpins of this subsidiary.
Association of International Champions

Association of International Champions
The singers who wear the gold medal are an elite group of musicians. Find out about the ways they work to Keep The Whole World Singing.
The AIC web site, , offers bios, recordings, history and programs of this elite group of musicians. Get info on upcoming shows, and join the mailing list.
Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions

Association of International Seniors Quartet Champions
When AISQC was organized in 1987, its expressed purpose was “to provide a fraternal organization for Seniors Quartet Champions and to encourage mature members of SPEBSQSA to sing in seniors quartets.”
A seniors quartet, as defined for contest purposes, is a group in which no member is younger than 55 and whose members’ ages total at least 240. Currently, there are 60 plus members in AISQC representing several districts.
Harmony Brigades

eXtreme Quartetting
Brigaders are Society members dedicated to eXtreme Quartetting: the freelance quartetting of high quality arrangements made famous by medalist-level quartets. They coordinate music choices Brigade-to-Brigade so that Brigaders from anywhere have a large common repertoire with other Brigaders while gathering at annual Brigade Rallies to pursue eXtreme Quartetting. They commit to and fulfill the preparation this activity requires.
Friends in Harmony
We have many friends in the business of spreading joy through the power of song. Explore some of our partners in harmony below!
American Choral Directors Association

The mission of the American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) is to inspire excellence in choral music through education, performance, composition and advocacy.
Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association

Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association
Started over 25 years ago, the Barbershop Quartet Preservation Association (BQPA) is an association of amateur singers of all ages of good character who wish to share the joy of Barbershop Quartet singing. We are dedicated to the preservation of this great American-born musical art form. Our collective purpose is to pursue the joy of barbershop quartet singing for our own pleasure, to share this music with our communities and to preserve the art form by attracting other singers. BQPA’s twice annual festivals have experienced impressive growth in recent years.
Chorus America

Chorus America is the advocacy, research, and leadership development organization that advances the choral field. We support and serve choral conductors, administrators, board members, and singers with tools, training, peer networking, and access so that choruses are better able to contribute to their communities.
Harmony, Inc.

Harmony, Incorporated is an international, non-profit organization whose purpose is to empower all women through education, friendship and a cappella singing in the barbershop style.
National Association for Music Education

National Association for Music Education (NAfME), among the world’s largest arts education organizations, is the only association that addresses all aspects of music education. NAfME advocates at the local, state, and national levels; provides resources for teachers, parents, and administrators; hosts professional development events; and offers a variety of opportunities for students and teachers. The Association orchestrates success for millions of students nationwide and has supported music educators at all teaching levels for more than a century.
The Barbershop Harmony Society is proud to participate in NAfME's Music Education Roundtable, advocating for music education and facilities in America's schools.
National Museum of African American Music

The National Museum of African American Music is set to open its doors in 2019. It will be the only museum dedicated to preserving the legacy and celebrating the accomplishments of the many music genres created, influenced, or inspired by African Americans. Being built in Nashville, the Museum will share the story of the American Soundtrack, integrating history and interactive technology to bring the musical heroes of the past into the present.
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia

Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia is the world’s oldest and largest secret national fraternal society in music. Sinfonia was born on October 6, 1898, at the New England Conservatory in Boston, when a group of thirteen young men under the guidance of Ossian Everett Mills met “to consider the social life of the young men students of that institution [and] to devise ways and means by which it might be improved.” Sinfonia became a national fraternity on October 6, 1900, with the admission of a group of men at the Broad Street Conservatory in Philadelphia. For over a century, Sinfonians in nearly every field of study and professional endeavor have transformed music in America. The opportunity of becoming a Sinfonian is offered to as many men as possible who, through a love for music, can assist in the fulfillment of the Fraternity’s Object and ideals either by adopting music as a profession, or by working to advance the cause of music in America.
Sing Canada Harmony

Sing Canada Harmony believes that vocal music, particularly four-part a cappella harmony in the Barbershop Style, plays a vital role in the development of healthy, creative and responsible members of society. This belief results in a commitment towards ensuring equal access to vocal music arts for Canadians of all ages, particularly the children, youth, men and women who sing and help others to sing to enrich lives.
Sweet Adelines International

Founded in 1945, what began as a small group of women who loved to sing, developed into a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that would eventually bridge continents and unite women from around the world in their mutual love of music.
The sweet blend of a cappella barbershop harmony is the heartbeat of this nearly 23,000-member worldwide organization. With more than 70 years of barbershop history, Sweet Adelines International provides a legacy of joy and passion for singing to those women who experience the sisterhood and lifelong friendships on the choral risers each week. As one of the largest associations of women singers to date, Sweet Adelines continues to positively impact women's lives and helps them find their voices, build confidence, enhance their vocal abilities, improve leadership and management qualities, and create a lifelong support system of sisterhood and friendship.
World Harmony Council

Over 57,000 male and female singers around the globe join in a cappella singing in choruses and quartets, singing in the style called “barbershop.” They belong to 14 separate barbershop organizations, and their leaders join together to form the World Harmony Council.
World Singing Day

World Singing Day (WSD) is a global sing-along held annually on the third Saturday in October to unite people in communities around the globe and to celebrate our common humanity.
Nashville Community Ties
Nashville Chamber of Commerce

The Barbershop Harmony Society is a proud member of the Nashville Chamber of Commerce.
Top Work Places Award - The Tennessean.

The Barbershop Harmony Society has been recognized as a Top Work Place by The Tennesseean.
Nashville Best Places to Work - Nashville Business Journal

The Barbershop Harmony Society has been recognized as one of the Best Places to Work by the Nashville Business Journal.