Does your chorus need help? Meet the BHS Ambassadors who are ready to listen and provide support!
Willard Adkins

Chapter Affiliations: The Kentuckians Chorus, Lexington, KY
District Affiliations: Cardinal District
Quartet Affiliations: These 4 Guys
Bio: Willard has been singing barbershop since 2007. Since that time he has served as a chapter board member since 2008, multiple terms as Chapter President, and is a Past President of the Cardinal District. With an MBA and over 30 years of managing offices, Willard's extensive organizational skills, background in hospitality and customer service, human resources, software development, and training as a public speaker make him a valuable asset.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? It brings me great joy to get to know my fellow barbershoppers and see them succeed. I am constantly amazed by how fantastic our community and the people within it can be. Being an Ambassador gives me the opportunity to strengthen those bonds and hopefully strengthen the community as a result.
Learn more about Willard:
Fun fact: I own more custom pitch pipes than anyone I've met.
What name would you give your imaginary comedy quartet? "Please Stand Up" - I think it would be great to see the audience respond to, "And now ladies and gentlemen, "Please Stand Up".
Which barbershop performance do you watch when you need a pick-me-up? Notre Dame by the Ringmasters
Email Willard:
Bob Cox

Chapter Affiliations: Salem Oregon SenateAires
District Affiliations: EVG
Quartet Affiliations: Old Quartet - NEXT
Bio: Bob started his barbershop life in high school on a dare from a teacher with three close friends and fellow choir members over 55 years ago. With almost 50 years of Society membership, Bob has served in key leadership and committee positions on the Society Board including Chairman of the 2002 and 2012 International Conventions in Portland. He is a Certified Leadership Training Facilitator supporting the Society’s Leadership and Operations Team and Leadership Academy Training Program. He is a Past EVG District President and has been recognized as EVG District BOTY and inducted in to the District’s
Hall of Fame and is currently on the EVG Board as Director of Chapter Development. Chapter honors include BOTY of Riverside CA and Salem, OR Chapters.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? I’m honored to have been invited to participate in the BHS Ambassador program and to be trusted by the Society staff and leadership to help deliver their messages and future dreams while serving as a listening and sounding component to the concerns expressed by our members, as we all strive to move forward under the umbrella of Everyone in Harmony.
Learn more about Bob:
Fun fact: Avid Oregon State Beaver Sports fan!
What ice cream flavor do you ALWAYS pick at Harmony University? Ice Cream of all flavors except licorice.
What ice cream flavor would you NEVER pick at Harmony University? Licorice – nope, never cross my lips….NEVER EVER!!!
What name would you give your imaginary comedy quartet? SPEBSQSA (Some People Especially Bob Should Quit Singing All together)
Which barbershop performance do you watch when you need a pick-me-up? SenateAires’ Caveman Routine since I was in the chorus and won a bronze medal, all while serving as 2012 International Convention Chair and Salem Chapter President. It shows how everyone working together can accomplish anything.
Besides barbershop, what genre of music are you listening to? Rock and Roll - Oldies and Goodies
Email Bob:
Steve Denino

Chapter Affiliations: The Alliance
District Affiliations: JAD
Quartet Affiliations: The Core
Bio: Steve has been a barbershopper since 1982 when he joined in a quartet with his father and his two brothers. He has performed and medaled in both chorus and quartet competition, and has also served The BHS as a member of the Society Board of Directors.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? Every time I have a conversation with a BHS member, I learn something. Each one of us is passionate about what barbershop means to us and our lives, and I am excited to create a deeper connection between our members and the work of the BHS.
Learn more about Steve D.:
Fun fact I taught Kerry Denino everything there is to know about singing baritone (ducking and running)
What ice cream flavor do you ALWAYS pick at Harmony University? Chocolate
What ice cream flavor would you NEVER pick at Harmony University? Not Chocolate
If you had to describe barbershop harmony as a beverage, which would you pick, and why? Barbershop is coffee. It picks you up, it is addicting, and the whole world loves it. If you don't love coffee (or barbershop), we can't be friends.
Email Steve:
Beverly Greene

Chapter Affiliations: Asheville, NC
District Affiliations: Carolinas District
Bio: Beverly has been a member of BHS since day one of allowing for women to join in 2018 (!)...but has been affiliated with barbershop since 1992 when she first worked with a chorus director. She was co-author of the CACM (Compellingly Attractive Chapter Meetings) workshops with Chuck Greene, and a Certified Leadership Facilitator for BHS. Current District involvement includes communications and graphic design.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? It is so important that we spread the BHS message to everyone...and having this platform to be "official" in what we say, and get answers for, is exciting! And, I get to be with so many of my friends who like to learn, and think as I do about what it takes to sustain and grow into the future. I am honored to be part of this team! :)
Learn more about Beverly:
Fun fact: I've been caught in quicksand and had to be the Outer Banks, NC.
If you had to describe barbershop harmony as a dessert, which would you pick, and why? Hmmm..A French or Italian Napoleon. Layers of great stuff!!!
When you are not working or barbershopping, what are you doing? ART! Painting, sketching or gardening mostly-all of it is Art! Or I might be on a hiking trail somewhere in the mountains....
Email Beverly:
Skipp Kropp

Chapter Affiliations: Greater Indianapolis, Indiana, Greater Kanawha Valley, WV
District Affiliations: CAR, JAD
Bio: Skipp is 52 year member and has served in multiple chapter and district offices. He was also BHS President in 2017 and 2018. He chaired the Louisville International Convention in 2023 and the Cleveland International Convention in 2024.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? Being an Ambassador gives me the opportunity to meet more barbershoppers and form additional relationships.
Learn more about Skipp:
Fun fact about yourself: I am an instrument-rated single-engine private pilot.
What ice cream flavor do you ALWAYS pick at Harmony University? It would be vanilla.
Besides barbershop, what genre of music are you listening to? Classical music.
When you are not working or barbershopping, what are you doing? Practicing environmental law.
Email Skipp:
Antonio Lombardi

Chapter Affiliations: Nashville, TN & Providence, RI
District Affiliations: Southeastern Harmony District & Northeastern District
Bio: Antonio is the Executive VP of the Music City Chorus. Originally hailing from the Northeastern District, he served as a district leader for many years and spearheaded Harmony Explosion Camp programs. His extensive experience includes serving on Society staff as the head of Chapter Leadership & Education and contributing to the Healthy Chapter Initiative. Today, Antonio brings his leadership skills to the financial tech industry as the Director of Implementation Projects and Initiatives.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? I'm thrilled about this opportunity to be an Ambassador because it allows me to combine my passion for our art form with my commitment to fostering community. Having started as a chapter leader in the Northeastern District and leading various district and society programs, I've seen firsthand the transformative power of barbershop harmony. As an ambassador, I can help spread this joy and encourage greater connection for everyone to experience the unique camaraderie and musical excellence our community offers. I'm looking forward most to supporting and inspiring. I look forward to promoting our mission and contributing to the growth and vibrancy of our barbershop community.
Learn more about Antonio:
What (funny) name would you give your imaginary comedy quartet? "The Four Flat Tires." It's the lighthearted, humorous nature while also giving a nod to the classic tradition of quartets. Just like a flat tire, our performances would be unexpected, a little offbeat, and guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Plus, it sets the stage for memorable moments as we (and the audience) navigate the bumps and hiccups of our comedic musical journey together.
Besides barbershop, what genre of music are you listening to? I am a pretty eclectic listener of music. Right now I'm on an Alternative/Indie kick, obsessing over Jacob Collier.
If you had to describe barbershop harmony as a beverage, which would you pick, and why? I would pick a perfectly blended, rich cappuccino. Just like a cappuccino, barbershop harmony combines multiple elements—voice parts, personalities, gifts, talents—into a smooth and harmonious experience. Each adds its own unique flavor, creating a full-bodied sound that is both invigorating and comforting. The foam on top represents the fun and camaraderie that come with singing together, making the entire experience enjoyable and fulfilling. Whether you're a seasoned performer or a new enthusiast, barbershop harmony, like a cappuccino, offers a delightful and energizing experience that warms the soul.
Email Antonio:
Manny Lopez

Chapter Affiliations: Sound by Southwest, San Antonio Chordsmen, The Marcsmen
Quartet Affiliation: 9K, Southern Stride
Bio: Manny is a San Antonio Texas native. Started barbshopping in 2001 but didn’t join the society until 2003. He is very active in leadership roles in the society and directs Sound by Southwest Chorus. He loves tags and would love to sing with you !
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador: I’m thrilled about the opportunity to be a BHS ambassador because I genuinely love talking with people and listening to them and making connections. I enjoy hearing about what’s happening in their lives, especially within the barbershop community. It’s exciting to learn about barbershop activities in different areas and explore ways, we can continue to improve ourselves and our society together. More importantly, I want to be a listening ear for people that are passionate about barbershop as I am.
Learn more about Manny:
Fun fact about yourself: I have 3 KIDNEYS!!!!
What ice cream flavor do you ALWAYS pick at Harmony University?: Cookies and Cream
Besides Barbershop, what genre of music do you listen to: Classical or Country
Email Manny:
Doug Smeltz

Chapter Affiliations: Buckeye Columbus (Singing Buckeyes)
District Affiliations: JAD
Quartet Affiliations: ReRouted
Bio: 50 Year BHS member, Certified BHS Director, Past JAD President, Current JAD Director of Music and Performance, BHS Performance Category Judge, JAD Senior Chorus Coordinator and Director, JAD Coach of the Year, Director of the Year, Barbershopper of the Year and Hall of Fame. District Quartet Champion Bowery Boys, Irish International Quartet Champion; Class Ring, Current Baritone of ReRouted. Sang on the International Stage with Class Ring, Directed on the International Stage many times with Singing Buckeyes.
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? I love to listen to other Barbershoppers and help them any way I can.
Learn more about Doug:
Fun fact about yourself: I Love Chess, Bridge, and Cribbage
What ice cream flavor do you ALWAYS pick at Harmony University? Mint Chocolate Chip
What ice cream flavor would you NEVER pick at Harmony University? Lemon
What (funny) name would you give your imaginary comedy quartet? RampAge (Seniors Qt!)
Which barbershop performance do you watch when you need a pick-me-up? Any tag sung by Tim Waurick
Besides barbershop, what genre of music are you listening to? 60s
Email Doug:
Steve Wyszomierski

Chapter affiliation: Singing Buckeyes, Columbus, Ohio
District affiliation: JAD
Bio: Born in Beaver Falls, PA because I wanted to be close to my mother. I have served in both District and Society leadership training for BHS for the past 30 years. I was President of Johnny Appleseed District in 2015-16. Chaired BHS Leadership Operations Team (LOPT) from its inception in 2010 until it was dissolved in 2022. Currently serving on Society's Volunteer Alignment Team and also a member of the BHS Executive team.
Learn more about Steve W.:
Why are you excited to be a BHS Ambassador? There are still so many barbershoppers to meet and shake hands not only share our love of harmony, but also to hear suggestions and learn new ideas and find out what is on their bring us all closer together in this great hobby.
What ice cream flavor do you ALWAYS pick at HU? I would fight someone with spoons for the last scoop of black raspberry.
What ice cream flavor would you NEVER pick at HU? pistachio or cauliflower.
Funny name for your imaginary comedy quartet: It is a toss-up between "Left Turn on Red" and "Excessive Phlegm"
Email Steve: