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Saturday July 9: "A Better World. Singing." Day


Music belongs to everyone!

Share a great day of making music with your family - FREE! Saturday, July 9, Downtown Nashville

There's more to making music than show biz -- reclaim your right to SING FOR FUN.

Barbershop: Giving You A Voice

Storm Front and ClassRing! perform on live national television for National Barbershop Quartet Day

Main Street's Good Old Days medley is a viral sensation

We knew they were special. We knew the performance was special. And when Main Street’s modern pop medley “These Will Be The Good Old Days Twenty Years From Now” hit YouTube, the rest of the world learned it, too. Read the full story here....

July Is Going To Be Awesome

Nashville International 2016

July 3 – 10, 2016

Harmony University 2016

July 24-31, 2016

Singing Opportunities Are Everywhere!

2015 International Champion Instant Classic

Champs Westminster Chorus from Westminster, CA.

We invite men from all over the US and Canada to find a group in your area and experience the joy of harmony and fraternity that tens of thousands of men are already enjoying.

With over 800 chapters in the US and Canada, and even more overseas, you can find a group to sing with quickly and easily...

Browse our huge catalog of Sheet Music

Beef up your singing skills

Youth and Outreach Opportunities

2015 International Collegiate Quartet Champion Trocadero from Stockholm, Sweden.

The Society is experiencing a rapid expansion of its Youth Outreach Program, with hundreds of youth harmony events and grant opportunities that are giving forward-thinking groups the opportunity to be empowered to help spread the joy of harmony to their communities.

The Youth Barbershop Quartet Contest and Youth Chorus Festival are just two of the many events that are giving thousands of young men around the world the opportunity to experience harmony and fraternity on an International stage.