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You can make a difference as a Society Board Member
Nominations are now open for the election of the 2026 Board of Directors of the Barbershop Harmony Society. We’re looking for leaders from all backgrounds to help shape the future of barbershop.
Finding candidates to lead the Barbershop Harmony Society would be simple if the sole criteria were love of barbershop and willingness to serve. We’re fortunate to have a wealth of talent, savvy, and devotion throughout the Society.
The larger challenge is making the process accessible and attractive to all members of the community. This especially applies to people who previously might never have considered themselves qualified for the role, whether from demographics (age, gender, heritage,) previous barbershop experience, or simple lack of connections throughout the barbershop world. For our Board to reflect who we are and who we wish to become, we are intentionally reaching out to be more transparent and welcoming in building the Board that will build our future.
Schedule a chat
Rather than fill out a massive application and then wait and wonder, the Nominating Committee offers informal conversations with anyone who wants to find out more about serving on the Society Board.
Email the Leadership Development Conmittee at calledtoservebhs@gmail.com to schedule a brief chat with a member of the team, who will gladly help you navigate the application process, answer questions, and encourage your interest. This is not a formal interview, just a chance to explore the possibilities.
Positions to be elected: July 2025

Applications are now accepted for these positions. Click title for description:
- Society President (1 year term, repeatable)
- Society Executive Vice President (1 year term, repeatable)
- Society Treasurer (1 year term, repeatable)
- Society Secretary (1 year term, repeatable)
- Directors At Large (3 year term, not repeatable) — two seats to be elected
Position descriptions
Director At Large
Creation Authority: Society Bylaws
Elected: Society Board
Term: 3 years, not renewable
Desired background/capability
Society member in good standing.
Committed to, and possessing an understanding of, the vision and mission of the Society
Willing to be accountable for the performance of the Society board
Committed to, and possessing a demonstrated ability in, teamwork
Possessing experience, knowledge, talent, leadership, communication skills, and judgment that will enable them to be an effective Board member
Willing to prepare for, and participate in, up to a minimum of six Society Board meetings each year
Experience in governance, and willing to focus on strategic planning and policy issues and the establishment of annual, measurable performance targets
Able to bring fresh perspectives and add diversity to the Board
Willing to give up any current assignment on a committee and task force, and not be an advocate for any district, chapter, committee, task force, or program
Maintains, and regularly uses, access to email.
Prepare for, and actively participate in, the meetings of the Board
Prepare for and participate in the planning meetings, and meetings of all committees or task forces to which assigned.
Perform such other duties as may be assigned to them by the President or by the Society Board
Directly communicates with the Society President, Board members, and represents the Board at all Society events.
General timeline and process
Active recruiting and conversations with interested applicants
Applications acccepted
Leadership Development Committee reviews / Interviews selected applicants
Leadership Development Committee presents applicants for review by district presidents
Final slate of candidates delivered to Society Board
Nominations accepted from the floor
Election at Board meeting