2020 Hall of Fame Inductees
The Barbershop Harmony Society is proud to announce two new Hall of Fame inductees, Alan Lamson and Kevin Keller. There will be a more formal, virtual celebration to follow.
Congratulations, Alan and Kevin, and thank you for your contributions to the Society!
Alan Lamson

The son of a Society member and a Sweet Adeline, Alan Lamson joined the Barbershop Harmony Society in 1981 and immediately began to make a difference in the Manchester, CT chapter. He served as chapter President, Executive Vice President, and Music VP, and was awarded Barbershopper of the Year in 1989 and 1991, along with Barbershopper of the Decade for the 1990s.
At the district level, Alan has served as the Northeastern District (NED) president in 2003-2004, and has served as the NED VP-Contest & Judging since 2017. He has served on many Society committees, too many to mention here, and was named the Barbershop Harmony Society President in 2011-2012. He assumed the Society Interim Executive Director position in the summer of 2012 as he led the search for the new CEO.
Alan holds Bachelor’s degrees in Building Science and Architecture, as well a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. This would prove very beneficial to the members of BHS, as he took a leadership role in the Headquarters Location Search Committee. Alan identified the new headquarters location in Nashville, and made a significant contribution to the design of the building remodeling project. Alan’s administrative influence at the chapter, district, and society levels has had a lasting impact on thousands of barbershoppers and has helped to shape the future of the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Kevin Keller

A society member since 1978, Kevin’s contributions have been in the areas of Arranging, Quartet and Chorus Competition, Coaching, and Contest & Judging. He is a prolific arranger, having arranged over 250 songs that have been performed by quartets and choruses all over the world. He has also served on the BHS Music Publications Committee.
Kevin has won several chorus medals, including multiple gold medals with the Vocal Majority and the Ambassadors of Harmony. Kevin has sung in many quartets as well, winning the Central States District in 1997 with “The EIB Quartet” and placing 6th at the 2003 International Competition with “Cheers!” He is a highly sought-after coach throughout the BHS, SAI, and other international barbershop organizations. He has served on the faculty at numerous district schools and workshops, and has been a fixture on the Harmony University faculty for many years.
Perhaps Kevin’s biggest impact has been in the area of Contest & Judging. He has been a certified Music judge for over 20 years, 18 of which have been spent in leadership roles. He served on the Music Category Board of Review for 7 years, was Music Category Specialist from 2008-2010, spent 4 years as the Chair of the Society Contest & Judging Committee, and 4 more years as the SCJC Past Chair. Kevin has been instrumental in collecting and organizing over 80 years of BHS contest and judging history, and initiated the process for certifying new women judges well before the Society's formal Everyone in Harmony announcement.