BHS Participation & Engagement Team wants to get more people singing!
When the Strategic Vision of Everyone in Harmony was announced in June 2017, the first key strategy was articulated as “Preservation and Encouragement through Participation and Engagement.”
We no longer live in a world of joiners. So our first priority -- with a fierce focus on the power of technology and digital marketing -- is to create more ways than ever for people to participate in barbershop singing, whatever form that may take.
As the Barbershop Harmony Society continues to execute on this strategy, we are aligning our internal Harmony Hall staff teams to best be able to carry out that work. In 2019, that led to the formation of the Participation & Engagement Team, collectively responsible for managing all the different avenues people interested in barbershop use to connect with barbershop. Working towards preserving and encouraging barbershop through increased participation and engagement, this powerhouse team combines long-time barbershop experience and real-world marketing expertise to focus on bringing more people to barbershop through either engaging with the Society directly or joining a local singing community.

Caki Gray, Director of Membership, is responsible for the management of the Participation & Engagement team, Customer Service Team, and the overall strategic initiatives of the membership program. A life-long barbershopper and a member of the Harmony Hall staff for over 12 years, Caki is a member of both BHS and SAI, and can be seen in the hilarious Sweet Adelines quartet Don’t Call Me Shirley.

James Pennington, Chapter Success Manager, manages the Healthy Chapter Initiative and oversees Harmony Hall’s efforts to provide support and guidance for the diverse array of nearly 700 chapters across the Society. James is a long-time barbershopper and was an original member of Kentucky Vocal Union. He currently sings all four parts in his quartet, Barbershop Pot Luck. James is the one-stop-shop for any kind of help or support for chapter leaders.

Devin Anna Bradford, Community Development Manager, liaises with the district leadership and is responsible for the creation of new chapters and singing communities, as well as new types of singing communities outside the current chapter model. She has extensive experience working with associations and community development.
Talk to Devin to learn all about the new barbershop clubs forming in schools or in an area near you.

Danny Becker, Quartet Success Manager, manages the existing quartet program and is responsible for revitalizing the products and services we offer to promote the growth and health of quartets. An experienced quartetter himself, you might have seen him singing with medalist Dixie District quartet, High Gravity. Talk to Danny about getting the most value out of your BHS quartet registration, beyond contest.

Katie Macdonald, Recruitment & Retention Manager, is responsible for the recruitment and retention of persons interested in barbershop, with attention on specific acquisition and retention campaigns. As the newest member of the P&E Team (joining BHS staff October 21st), barbershoppers might recognize her as the Bass singer and manager of current 3rd-Place Sweet Adelines quartet, GQ. Talk to Katie about all the ways we are trying to get more people experiencing the joy of barbershop harmony.