Lessons learned in barbershop life impact our effectiveness in our jobs, families and relationships. Does it make better men, better citizens, better spouses and parents? We like to think so.
Author, blogger and Vocal Majority Marketing Director Gary Hennerberg masterfully uses his barbershop experience to teach readers of his marketing blog about "altercasting... when an individual projects the identity of a role they want you to assume so you’re encouraged to behave in a desired manner." You'll recognize it:
Jim and Greg [Clancy] both encourage us before we sing. They tell us how they expect to hear a certain phrase or chord before it’s sung. They project a persona they want us to take on. So we do it. The greater point is that through encouragement, and specifically telling us what they just feel deep down they will hear, that we’ll do it. We do it because they are leaders. We do it because we admire and respect them. And we do it because we want to meet and surpass their expectations.
What lessons and stories from barbershop do you tell others in your daily life? How do you draw the connection between your musical life and the enrichment it brings you?
via Altercasting — Marketing Strategy Template from Crack the Customer Mind Code by Gary Hennerberg.