Colbert: Spotify soon to be all barbershop
It's funny because it's weird.
As Rolling Stone reports: “Hello, my baby! Hello, my darling! Hello, my… ‘Cinnamon Girl?’” With Neil Young and Joni Mitchell removing their catalogs from Spotify, late night funny guy Stephen Colbert joked that a barbershop quartet might be the only way to stream the famous songwriters’ music.
Members of the Westchester and Five Towns chapters made up The Chordon Bleus, a quartet that reimagined some of the singers’ most famous works on The Late Show. It’s the latest in a long tradition of satirizing the incongruity of olde-tyme barbershop style with contemporary music; forerunners include Jimmy Fallon’s Ragtime Gals, The Simpsons’ B-Sharps, and Mad TV’s Gangsta Shop Quartet, among many others. Left to right: Steve Delehanty, tenor; Steve Marrin, lead; Keith Harris, bari; Alan Fennell, bass.

Brian Lynch is Public Relations Manager for the Barbershop Harmony Society.