BHS Contest Entry Process
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Next Generation Barbershop
Ages 25 and under

Junior Quartets and Choruses | Ages 18 & Under
Please visit our Junior Quartet page to fill out an application online.
Please visit our Junior Chorus page to fill out an application online.
Varsity Quartets and Choruses | Ages 25 & Under
Please visit our Varsity Quartet page to fill out an application online.
Please visit our Varsity Chorus page to fill out an application online.
Chorus Contests
Division, District, or International

You must be an officially chartered chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. If you are unsure of the status of your chapter or chorus,you’ll need to contact prior to completing the contest entry process
In order to enter a contest, BHS Chapters and Choruses must meet the following requirements:
- All competing members of the chorus must be members of your chapter, and their membership must be current – and all dues paid – on the actual day of the competition.
- If you are a Chapter Secretary, Chorus Director or Manager, you’ll need your username and password for Member Center to enter a contest.
- A legal copy of each piece of music you are singing, showing the Product ID numbers of any music purchased from the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), and all copyright/publisher information for songs you did not purchase from the BHS.
Only those designated in the following chorus roles are able to enter their chorus into a contest utilizing Member Center:
- Chorus Manager
- Chorus Director
- Chorus Assistant or Associate Director
Chapter officers (such as the chapter secretary) will need to add themselves as a chorus manager role if they wish to manage their chorus' contest entry.
Tutorials & FAQs
Information for Chapters on how to enter a division, district or international contest can be found by visiting the Contest Entry FAQs.
For more information, please contact or 800.876.SING.
Quartet Contests
Division, District, or International

Your quartet must be an officially registered Society quartet. If you haven’t yet paid for the registration or renewal of your quartet, you’ll need to do this before beginning the contest entry process. Call 800-876-7464 if you require assistance in registering or renewing your quartet.
In order to enter a contest, BHS quartets must meet the following requirements:
- All four (competing) members of the quartet must be members (at minimum) at the Society and District level, and their membership must be current – and all dues paid – on the actual day of the competition.
- If you are the quartet contact, you’ll need your username and password for Member Center to enter a contest.
- A legal copy of each piece of music you are singing, showing the Product ID numbers of any music purchased from the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS), and all copyright/publisher information for songs you did not purchase from the BHS.
View BHS Quartet Categories
There are three main categories for quartets in the Barbershop Harmony Society:
- Next Generation Quartets - all singers in a youth quartet must be 25 and under.
- Quartets - open to all ages, our “regular” quartets must all be members of the Barbershop Harmony Society. Registered quartets are eligible to compete in the local district contests, and are given the opportunity to qualify to compete at the International level at our annual summer convention.
- Seniors Quartets - all singers in a seniors quartet must be at least 55 years old with an average age of 60 (total combined years of 240) to qualify as a Seniors quartet. Our Seniors quartets compete locally in their district competition with an opportunity to qualify to compete at the annual Midwinter convention.
Tutorials & FAQs
Information for Quartets on how to enter a division, district or international contest can be found by visiting the Contest Entry FAQs.
For more information, please contact or 800.876.SING.