Behind the Music: "It's the Music that Brings us Together"
Arrangement Notes from Composer/Arranger Clay Hine
“It’s the Music That Brings Us Together” is something we’ve all probably thought about during the last few weeks. With that, I had an idea for an original song that I thought might capture the sentiments of all barbershoppers from all walks of life.

This song was written shortly after “shelter-in-place” for COVID-19 started. As with many barbershop ensembles, my chorus had just started virtual rehearsals and it was inspiring to see how many barbershoppers still wanted to find ways to rehearse, learn more, talk about music, and most importantly, stay connected to all of our barbershop friends.
With the craziness of everyday life, we don’t always get a lot of opportunities to remember WHY barbershop is so important in our lives. Sharing a song or a great tag with friends is one thing that made us all go nuts for barbershop in the first place. Even when we're not able to sing together, it's incredibly inspiring and helps us remember WHY when so many still do so much to virtually get together with the friends that make music so meaningful to all of us.
For as long as I can remember, music and barbershop have meant a lot to me. To my whole family, to choruses I’ve sung with and directed, to quartets I’ve had the privilege of singing with, to barbershoppers I’ve sung tags with and had the amazing opportunity to meet from all over the world, and to folks who love music who I hope to meet someday: This is for you . . . make as many copies as you want . . . and thanks for sharing music with friends.
Whatever country you call home, whatever organization you’re a member of, and whatever group of folks you like to sing tags with—we all love barbershop, and right now, we all love and miss the same things. Please enjoy this song, share it with friends, try it on for size, and hopefully, sing it one day soon with the people who “fill your heart with song”.
Men's, Women's, and Mixed Voicings Available!
Learning Tracks Available!
Special thanks to Tony DeRosa and Michaela Johnston for donating their time and amazing talents to create wonderful learning media!
Check out Tony's website for available tracks, recordings, and other fun items at

As a barbershop and professional singer as well as a vocal music director, I have been blessed to be a part of amazing music all of my life. That said, having a chance to connect with ‘barbershop lovers’ is a true joy of my life. One of the most treasured relationships I have is with Clay Hine. Having a chance to connect with Clay through the years on countless musical endeavors has been a gift. But as his song says, while we come together to make music and harmony, it is the bonds we weave as people that make the real difference in our lives. Thank you, Clay, for writing something simple yet filled with deep meaning at a time that we all need it. Thank you also for allowing me to be a part of bringing it to life so others might enjoy it as well.
"This beautiful original song by the incredible Clay Hine perfectly describes all the amazing things about being involved in our barbershop community! We are brought together by our common love of music, but it’s the life-long friendships made here that keep us going—through the good times and the bad! I hope everyone takes some time to learn this while we’re apart, because I can’t wait to sing it in person with my barbershop family when we can all finally be together again!"
Watch and Listen
See how ensembles are using this piece to bring people together in song.