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2025 International Dream Chorus Experience

The Dream Chorus Experience

COMPETE on barbershop's biggest stage in a unique, high-quality, one-time-only chorus!

The Real Contest. Real Scores. A Real Champ Director. Your moment has come!

The 2024 Dream Chorus Experience was such a success that we are bringing it back in 2025! We will have ONE chorus that is OPEN TO ALL SINGERS from all over the world.

Learn from gold medal director Dr. Jim Henry, and compete as full contestants in the 2025 International Chorus Contest in Denver, CO.

More than a showcase, more intense than a Festival, this will be an actual competing chorus, which will be scored and ranked on the Official Scoring Summary, alongside all other qualifying choruses in the final results.

And YOU can be one of the singers.

Registration is limited! Sign up as soon as possible, but no later than April 15, 2025!

Sing like a champ, for champ — Dr. Jim Henry!

2024 Dr Jim Henry Ambassadors of Harmony and Harmony STL

The Dream Chorus will be led by Dr. Jim Henry. Here is a taste of his expertise that YOU will experience:

  • Co-Director of the Ambassadors of Harmony
  • Five-time International Chorus Champion Director
  • Two-time BHS International quartet champion bass
  • Member of the Barbershop Harmony Society since 1975
  • Director of Choral Studies at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, where he conducts University Singers and Vocal Point and teaches courses in Choral Methods, Choral Conducting, and Choral Arranging

Dr. Jim Henry holds degrees in vocal music education, music theory, and music composition, including a Ph.D. in music composition from Washington University. Experience the magic of this dynamic musician.

Make the most of your International experience and challenge your ability to rise to a new standard of musicianship, performance intensity, and achievement. Feel the chills of earning the applause of an International Chorus Contest audience!

All voices are welcome!

Your eligibility checklist

  • Must not be competing with another chorus in the same contest
  • Must be a BHS member in good standing
  • All vocal ranges welcome, from SSAA treble through TTBB bass
  • Must hold a full convention registration
  • Chorus participation fee of just $35

Rehearsals and commitments

  • Dr. Henry will select contest songs, unveiled to all participants by April 15, 2025.
  • Arrangements will be accessible to all vocal ranges
  • Sheet music and tracks will be provided to all singers
  • Rehearsal schedule released in April 2025; may include advance virtual rehearsals
  • On-site rehearsals in Denver scheduled from Wednesday through Saturday during the convention week

Registration for the Dream Chorus Experience Is Now Open