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The Big Leap

What Is The Big Leap?

Big leap 1080

Elevate Your Chapter for the 21st Century

The Big Leap: Elevate Your Chapter is a dynamic and immersive experience aimed at helping non-profit choral arts chapters evolve and thrive in today’s rapidly changing environment. If your chapter is still relying on outdated models that no longer deliver the results they once did, this event is for you. It focuses on guiding chapters through a transformative journey, replacing old methods with innovative, cutting-edge strategies that leading organizations are currently using to succeed.

This isn’t just another workshop; it’s a comprehensive program designed to align and energize entire teams, equipping them with the tools and insights needed to propel their chapters forward. Participants will leave with a clear roadmap for success, a shared vision, and renewed momentum to drive their chapters into a more impactful and thriving future.

Stop relying on the past and start building a stronger, more effective future for your chapter—it’s time to make the Big Leap, together.