Hats off to the Naple Daily News for early coverage of the 2015 Seniors Quartet Contest!

The Gulf Coasters, a local barbershop quartet, won first place at the Sunshine District Competition for seniors Oct. 10-12 at the Airport Marriott Hotel in Orlando. Now they’re one step closer to the final prize and unlimited bragging rights if they take home the gold at the New Orleans International Midwinter Convention Jan. 6-11. Tim McShane, 61, Rod Johnson, 73, and Jack Slamka, 66, have already won international gold medals. Bart Plescia, 83, the fourth member, is still hoping for his first. “We were prepared for it,” Plescia said. “Our goal was to win this competition so we could get to the international level. We’re very excited.” “It would be very fulfilling and rewarding.” Full story at Naples Daily News.