The words of a friend that echo the feelings of so many of us that knew Gene Cokeroft, even if only briefly. His warmth and kindness and encouragement leave a lasting legacy that will not be forgotten.
A Tribute to my friend, Gene Cokeroft.
by Tim Waurick

Simply put, but not overstated: Gene Cokeroft is the greatest of all time. A giant in the barbershop world, a kind and gentle man.. Gene is my mentor, confidant, hero and friend. Gene and I have been close for many years. But it's not just me - there are many many many people who Geno has taken under his wing, mentored and befriended.
The highlight of my Pittsburgh convention was my time with Geno.. I spent time with he and Iris in their hotel room.. Vocal Spectrum rehearsed "It's You" in Gene's room right before we walked to the stage. I dedicated "Go The Distance" on the AIC Show to Geno, which appears to be the last barbershop show he ever attended. These are cherished moments which will remain with me forever.. but most important is the quiet time talking with Geno.
Gene and I recorded a song together 2 years ago for an album that I'm working on. I want to share this with you all, with the permission of his wife, Iris - who played this recording for Gene this afternoon.…/when-the-world-was-young-gene-coke…

He sounds amazing on what will be his last recorded song... which I take great pride and honor in. I start off on tenor until the 2nd verse, which Gene rightfully takes over on tenor for the rest of the song, cue goosebumps! I'm singing the baritone, while Gene is singing bass!! I hope you enjoy this recording as we all celebrate Gene's amazing and impactful life.
Geno told me in Pittsburgh that he had a lot more to do. Well Geno, you have done more than enough.. You changed my life and the lives of countless others through your music and who you are! Rest In Peace & God Bless you, Geno.