How The Arlingtones gave a "Concert in the Parking Lot"
Like many busy choruses, the Arlingtones of Arlington Heights, Illinois, found themselves at loose ends when the pandemic required suspension of normal chapter activities.
For a group accustomed to singing more than two dozen gigs each year, the timeout has been rough.
“It isn’t our style to just rehearse on Zoom or in-person without a goal in sight,” says chorus manager Jerry Reed. “I’m always looking for opportunities for us to perform, whether it is a service club luncheon, doing the National Anthem at a sporting event, or singing at Memory Cafes.”
Some careful planning and innovative thinking allowed the chorus to perform a complimentary gig they called “Concert in the Parking Lot” for residents of a low-income retirement facility.

To provide maximum protection for the residents and ourselves, our chorus purchased special masks that are specifically designed for singers, plus we were socially distanced. Our sound system allowed the audience to sit at least 25 feet away and hear us without any problems,” says Jerry.
Note especially the pavement markings where the singers stand—good physical separation is deliberately and thoughtfully engineered into their event planning.
In light of the current public health emergency, we are all wondering when we might be able to safely sing together again. Just as we understand that voices united in song can make a positive and meaningful impact on ourselves and those around us, we should also recognize that we must work together to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The COVID-19 Interim Guidance For BHS Ensembles And Singing Communities includes background information around COVID-19, discusses how the choral ecosystem has responded in light of the science behind the virus, guidance for all singing communities, including quartets and choruses, and considerations around insurance.
See it and more resources for virtual rehearsals, drive-in meetings and more on our COVID-19 Resources for Barbershoppers page.