Learn how you can get more music for your ensemble!
Find out how you can get the barbershop music you've been searching for with BHS staffers Scott Harris and Janice Bane.

Barbershop Music & How to Find It
Recorded on September 11, 2020 | 2 p.m. CSD

Scott Harris, Arranger & Repertoire Manager of the Barbershop Harmony Society, discusses how to search our catalog using some of our newest arrangements as examples.
Arrangements & Copyright - We're Here to Help!
Recorded on September 25, 2020 | 2 p.m. CSD

Barbershop Harmony Society's Copyright & Licensing Manager Janice Bane discusses the different types of arrangements and the steps you can take to ensure your unpublished, custom, or out-of-print arrangement is legal for your group to use!
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