In Memoriam: Geri Geis
The Society mourns a remarkable woman who was a pioneering coach and choreographer in men's barbershop — well before her time.
by Joe Cerutti
Artistic Director, Alexandria Harmonizers

We regret to announce, the loss of a venerable figure within our community, Geri Geis. As a pivotal leader and the cherished matriarch of the Alexandria Harmonizers family, her legacy encompasses not only the Harmonizers golden era, with four international chorus championships, but also her transformative impact on the art of performance in the Barbershop Harmony Society.
Geri's passing in September 2023 followed shortly after the loss of her husband, Royall, a figure equally influential in shaping the Harmonizers' history. In a heartfelt message, she expressed her gratitude towards the Harmonizers for their role during Royall's interment at Arlington Cemetery, highlighting the enduring bond she felt with the chorus. In reciprocation, we assured her of our enduring affection and the perpetual memory of both her and Royall within the Harmonizers' family. The ethos they created remains the bedrock of our practice, present in every note we sing.
Geri's message, one of reunion and legacy, gains profound depth with her absence. Her last attendance at our 75th Anniversary show and our tribute to her during a recent competition, affirm that her spirit and influence will forever resonate within our organization.