Let’s Talk Barbershop: the podcast
...not the facebook group!
Host Nicholas DiLorenzo says it was always intended to be kind of like the International livestream banter, but at your leisure.
Why a barbershop podcast?

We love all the talk during the contest Livestream. We wanted a show like that available year round. It started in April 2019 to lead up to International in Salt Lake. It is now a regular program with 30+ episodes!
What is an episode like?
Most are about an hour long. Among other things, hear about new quartet formations, previews of new albums, interviews with champs and other well-known Barbershoppers, current events, scores, and more.
Are champions humans too?
They pay the same price for gas as we do, they do laundry (sometimes during the interview), they work normal jobs, and fangirl or fanboy over the same quartets as we do. We’ve talked about things like when a quartet loses its rental car keys, thinks they finished fifth then won the whole thing, or what barbershop is like in Australia.
Who produces the show?
Nicholas DiLorenzo from his studio in Raeford, N.C., with Rob Roman, Ann McAlexander, and Patrick McAlexander.
How is it done?
Most are via Skype or phone call. Guests call in, it gets recorded, edited, we add some production elements, and then we publish it. If you’re subscribed, it comes straight to your phone or computer.
How do I get it?
iPhone, iPad, Mac: Open iTunes and search “Let’s Talk Barbershop,” tap the subscribe button, hit play!
On your computer, do the same at spreaker.com.
It is also available via Facebook, iHeart Radio, Spotify, and Soundcloud.