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Reporting the Death of a Member

When a member passes away, it is important to report to the Barbershop Harmony Society to ensure the member is recognized and honored. The primary responsibility for reporting falls to chapter secretaries and in general, chapter officers. But, any member may report the information. 

To report a member's death, email the BHS Customer Service Team ( or call 800.876.7464. We ask that you share the following information: 

  • Name of Member
  • Member ID#
  • Date of Death (if known) 
  • Name of Next of Kin (spouse or relative's name)
  • Your relationship to the Member (quartet-mate, chapter officer, friend, family, etc.) 

Upon receipt of notice of the death, the Society Executive Director will send a personal condolence letter to the next of kin, and all Society mailings to the member will be discontinued, except for The Harmonizer, which, at the option of the next of kin, will be mailed until the deceased member's regular membership expiration date. There will be no refund of dues or fees.

Note: It is essential that information sent to the Society office regarding a member's death be accurate to ensure that the Society's response to the next of kin is appropriate.

Please remember to contact us if a member of your chapter or quartet passes on. This is not limited to current members. If a former member passes on, it's important that the Society knows. Not only will the member be recognized in the "Chapter Eternal" in our Harmonizer magazine, but further, our districts recognize members during House of Delegate meetings.