Nashville takes its cue from Miami Music Medics
When eight people in scrubs show up singing, the surprise and joy are palpable.
Hospitalized children can face fearful unknowns every day. A seemingly endless parade of health care professionals attend to measuring, injecting, inquiring… it can be overwhelming. So when eight people in scrubs show up singing, the surprise and joy are palpable.

Taking a cue from the Miami Music Medics, a Very Large Quartet (VLQ) from Nashville’s Music City Chorus recently brought smiles to the children staying in Centennial Children’s Hospital.
The familiar “You’ve Got A Friend in Me” from Toy Story brought lots of singing along. Personal attention made each child feel special, especially the toddlers in the Oncology Unit. Unsurprisingly, the singers report, "We were the ones with tears in our eyes, as we were so impressed by their bravery."