Nashville Scene unpacks barbershop's history
"The story of barbershop quartets isn’t just about cheesy outfits, close harmonies and the synchronized splaying of arms," observes an historical inquiry in the Nashville Scene.

The Barbershop Harmony Society is grateful to have been embraced by a wide range of news media in Music City. Events like our 2019 Midwinter Convention at the Opry, 2016 International convention, and Harmony University at Belmont get great coverage in a city proud of its musical diversity.
This month, we were pleased at the depth and insights in this story from award-winning journalist Radley Balko, who delved into the Society's origins in African American communities of the South. It's unusual for barbershop to appear at length in independent press like the Scene, an influential music, culture and opinion weekly, and unusual for the degree of research undertaken.

Brian Lynch is Public Relations Manager for the Barbershop Harmony Society.