Old, new, low, high -- everyone can sing these fresh charts!
We have reached a huge milestone in our Strategic Vision of Everyone in Harmony. Over the last five months, the Music Publications department has created new voicing adaptations and fresh new arrangements of more than 100 barbershop charts -- averaging 20 charts a month!
Fresh arrangements of over 100 new barbershop charts now available
So what does this mean? It means we are creating more opportunities for more people to sing barbershop!
While the Society has traditionally released barbershop arrangements for lower voices (TTBB), we’ve been working on adaptations of existing charts and brand new releases to be inclusive of all voices, providing more and more middle voice (SATB) and higher voice (SSAA) arrangements.
To date, the Society recognizes 73 mixed harmony choruses, 60 mixed harmony quartets, 6 women’s choruses and 16 women’s quartets throughout the US and Canada. The effort at the Society level gives our new and existing singers broader resources to find the best arrangements for their ensemble.

“Initially, it was a bit of a struggle to find mixed barbershop arrangements that fit our ensemble well. The selections were limited, the titles were played out, and the levels of difficulty varied wildly, depending on the ensemble that originally sang it. However, the campaign to adapt and publish mixed voicing versions of existing arrangements has quickly expanded the library available on the online shop. This season, Noteworthy took advantage of the new arrangements and we picked up a few new barbershop pieces, including Disney favorites ‘You’ve Got A Friend In Me’ and ‘Can You Feel The Love Tonight’.”
Get Music
We are celebrating this incredible accomplishment at Harmony Hall, and we ask you to do the same!
Check out our new SSAA and SATB charts; pick up a new piece from our new adaptations and releases, then grab three friends and form a quick pick-up quartet.
Get out there and get singing!
About the Author

Jernie Talles Millán
Marketing Assistant
Barbershop Harmony Society