The July issue of award-winning barbershop history magazine, PRESERVATION, is now online and available for FREE.
(Click here to download and enjoy.)
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Says editor Grady Kerr:
This issue is the second in our new series, The Lost Quartets. You don’t have to win the gold to be a GREAT quartet in our Society. There have been some forgotten foursomes that made a distinctive influence on our close harmony community and the quartet featured in this issue is no exception.
Our featured quartet entertained hundreds of thousands music lovers and influenced a lot of men to sing in a quartet. They also made a ground-breaking vinyl LP recording (remember those?).
They are one of “the greatest quartets you’ve NEVER heard of.”
This issue also pays tribute to the recently passed iconic barbershopper, Denny Stiers.
Download this issue in Doc Center (and any of the other 20 issues) and enjoy a little nostalgia.