Originally posted at http://brooklynbased.com/blog/2014/05/14/sing-us-a-song-youre-the-story-man/
Sing Us a Song, You’re the Story Man

When you think about it, Jimmy Fallon is kind of old-fashioned. He writes thank you notes. He’s a gracious host. He sings in a barbershop quartet. In fact, he and his three other songsters recently serenaded Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden, singing Happy Birthday to the piano man with an audience of 20,000. What does a barbershop singer during their off hours? Well, if you’re Tom Shillue, when you’re not singing four-part harmony on The Tonight Show you tour with Jim Gaffigan and you host Funny Story at the Brooklyn Brewery. Come to think of it, storytelling is also sort of old-fashioned, though these stories are anything but stodgy. This month’s line-up is an all-comedian sweep with Baron Vaughn, Ann Carr, Adam Newman, Jamie Greenberg and Dave Juskow. If you like to laugh, you’d be nuts not to come to this show. Your $10 ticket gets you a night of storytelling and a beer.