Now available digitally: Arrangement & Reproduction Request Form
Can’t find the sheet music title you want? We're here to help!
For many years, the Barbershop Harmony Society has offered music clearance services to groups for barbershop arrangements that weren’t available for sale. This process has involved the use of a Word or PDF application form which had to be submitted via email, fax, or regular mail.
Now, we are excited to announce that our Arrangement & Reproduction Request Form is now an online application through our website!
Our new online form is easy to complete and ensures that BHS has all of the information necessary to seek your arrangement clearance correctly and efficiently. Your submitted request form will automatically be sent to the copyright & licensing department for immediate review and processing. Upon submission, you will automatically receive a copy of your form via email for your records.
Ready to get started?
Review instructions and submit a request or view our current list of Special Order sheet music titles.
We welcome your feedback! For more information or questions regarding an arrangement or copyright in general, please send an email to

Janice Bane
Copyright & Licensing Manager
Barbershop Harmony Society