Best Practices Library brings broad knowledge base to BHS singing communities
The accumulated experience of hundreds of chapters and quartets is a key asset of the Barbershop Harmony Society. No matter what the challenge — administrative, musical, leadership— someone somewhere has probably already faced it, solved it, and can help you surmount it, too.
Let’s put that combined brainpower to work for the benefit of all! The new Best Practices section of the Harmony University Library can help elevate the art of barbershop harmony to new heights. (Member Center login required.)
What do you know? We’re looking for quality great experience across all facets of barbershop:
Contest (Coaching, Retreats, Contestability)
Membership (Recruitment, Retention, Guest Nights)
Board Leadership (Nomination Committees, Encouraging new leaders, Community Board Positions)
Community Outreach (Local performances, Engagement with news outlets, collaborating with arts organizations)
Show Production (Show Scripts, Securing a venue, Quartetting on a chapter show)
Youth (Music Educator engagement, Youth Camps, Coaching High School Quartets)
Education (Harmony University, Leadership Academy, Board Retreats)
Events (District Conventions, Novice Quartet contests, local festivals)
Everyone in Harmony (Adding a new chorus, merging with an existing chorus, diversity and inclusion)
Singing Community Culture (Encouraging Fellowship, Interchapter events)
Fundraising (Silent Auctions, Day of Giving, Partnering for Donations)
Finances (990 compliance, Record Keeping, Balancing a budget)
Marketing (Social Media, Advertising, Promotional Materials)
We are inviting all members of the Barbershop Harmony Society to submit their best practices for consideration. Submit your best practices today!