We asked our Facebook fans to caption the below image. Thanks to all 37 witty, snarky and hilarious comments it was hard to pick one, so here are a few favorites.

MOST LIKES - Someone put a baritone in charge of the choreography. -Brad 'Wombat' Randal
WITTY - For my next trick, I will make the baritones disappear! -Bryan Andrew Lambe
OH, SNAP! - Well, it's no Tony Bennett Medley... -Drew McMillan
--Somebody said we're putting on vegetable costumes during the break -George C Jackson, Jr.
--Our future is in good jazz hands... -Paul Agnew
--Per new C&J rules - All ties will be broken by a pose-off. -Paul Agnew
--What do you mean by 'festival' rather than contest? -Nathan Ogg
Thanks to everyone who contributed!
P.S. Why is everybody always picking on the baritones?