Lest anyone forget, the Society offers a wealth of sheet music at NO CHARGE to members and fellow travelers. Always with an eye to Keep the Whole World Singing, let's not a buck stand between a prospective singer and a taste of chord happiness.
This month's offering, "Welcome Song," is just what it claims to be: a gathering song to welcome singers to our meeting, our culture, our world of barbershop.
Writer/composer Einar N. Pedersen (1917-2005) was one of the Barbershop Harmony Society's finest songwriters, famous worldwide for "I Love to Hear That Old Barbershop Style," among other faves.
Grab your freebies: Men's Voices or Women's Voices , and browse all the offerings in the Free Music section. (Recommended: "You'll Never Know the Good Fellow I've Been," which includes free learning tracks!)