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Target Scores for 2025 & 2026 Events

Target scores for 2025 and 2026 Events

The Barbershop Harmony Society and its Contest & Judging Committee have set the minimum and qualifying scores for international events taking place in 2025 and 2026:

The minimum scores for the 2025 Midwinter Convention in San Antonio, TX (January 28- February 2) are unchanged and remain at 61%.

The 2025 International Convention in Denver (June 29-July 06) has the following minimum and qualifying scores:

  • The Society previously announced the automatic qualifying score of 80% for the 2025 BHS International Chorus contest. The minimum score will remain at 74%.

  • The automatic qualification score for the International Quartet Contest will remain at 78%. The minimum score has been raised to 76%.

The 2026 Midwinter Convention in Pasadena, CA (January 13-16) has the following minimum scores:

  • The International Seniors Chorus Contest minimum score has been raised to 63%

  • The International Seniors Quartet Contest minimum score has been raised to 63%.

The 2026 International Convention in St. Louis, MO (June 28-July 5) has the following minimum and qualifying scores for choruses:

  • International Chorus automatic qualification score will remain at 80%. The minimum score will remain at 74%.

The International Quartet automatic qualification score will be announced in the summer of 2025.

Due to the increase in qualifiers, the Society Contest & Judging Committee anticipates increasing the automatic qualifying scores in the future.