A look inside BHS Headquarters
Our interns discuss their experience at Harmony Hall during the Spring 2019 semester
Q: Why did you choose to intern at BHS?

Name: Mena Han-Lalime
School: Belmont University
Year: Junior
Major: Public Relations
Internship: Social Media/Marketing
"This internship was everything I was looking for: a social media internship at a nonprofit organization with which I had a personal connection.
My late grandfather was in a quartet, my older brother sang barbershop in high school, and BHS’s overall mission is one that I really believe in. It seemed like the perfect fit and it was!"
Q: What has your experience working in an office environment been like?

Name: Eileen Kahl
School: Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU)
Year: Senior
Major: Music Business/Recording Industry Mgmt.
Internship: Marketplace - eCommerce and Strategy
"It’s been professional, but comfortable. It doesn’t feel strict and it’s very inclusive of everyone and everything.
I have been included in meetings about music and business that most other places like this that provide internships wouldn’t do."
Q: Did anyone on the BHS staff make a huge impression on you? If so, who?

Name: Kathryn Crawford
School: Belmont University
Year: Junior
Major: General Business
Internship: Customer Service
"My schedule is made by Allison, and I don’t think I would prefer to report to anyone else. Even when things are tough, she is always smiling. She is patient on the phones with customer service and with all of her coworkers. Her stories are great, and we can connect easily because she isn’t too much older than I am.
Thanks, Allison!"
Q: What was the best part about interning here?

Name: Olivia Shultz
School: Belmont University
Year: Senior
Major: Songwriting/Minor in Music Business
Internship: Education
"The best part about interning here is, seeing a project grow and develop. Being able to see the final product is wonderful.
I have enjoyed learning new things at BHS. I feel what I have learned can help me with future opportunities."
Q: How was Midwinter and working behind the scenes?

Name: Al Yanochik
School: Belmont University
Year: Junior
Major: Audio Engineering
Internship: Marketing - A/V Department
"Midwinter was awesome, the number of people was almost overwhelming!
Getting to assist with various events at the convention was a very enjoyable experience, and seeing everything go so well was great."
Q: How would you describe BHS HQ culture?

Name: Carson Harvey
School: San Diego State University
Year: Senior
Major: Marketing
Internship: Marketing
"I’ve always felt as though this common denominator we all share as barbershoppers bonds us in a really unique way; it’s created a strong sense of community and friendship for me, which I feel HQ reflects.
It’s been refreshing to work for an organization with people that share the love for the same quirky hobby as I do."
Q: If you could describe your internship in one word, what would it be and why?

Name: Daveon Carr
School: Tennessee State University
Year: Junior
Major: Music/ Minor in Business
Internship: Marketing
"Inspirational. I’ve never known a group of people that work hard about something they have so much passion about especially with this being a non-profit organization. They don’t mind letting us work on bigger projects and helping us with it.
Some days I didn't feel like an intern, I felt like I was family and I’m helping keep our business running. That inspires me to always look for a work environment like this because now I know it's possible."
The Marketing team would like to thank Daveon Carr for his assistance in putting this piece together.