Bring a BHS staff member or LOPT Facilitator to your next virtual meeting or rehearsal
We're here to help!

The move to virtual continues to present unique opportunities for collaboration and learning for all types of chapters. Since April 2020, Harmony Hall Staffers have offered their time and diverse talents to over 200 chapters, offering content, entertainment, or sometimes just some friendly Q&A to over 6,000 BHS members. Some chapters team up with neighboring groups for these sessions while others are hosting virtual guest nights.
Harmony Hall is committed to supporting the efforts of our chapters and quartets by making staff available for rehearsals, administration planning, or board meetings during your scheduled ensemble meeting time. The sky is the limit, but know that you are not in this alone. We’re here to help.
Beginning in November of 2020, we’re excited to offer visits and sessions provided by the LOPT whose work with the THINK Program has been pivotal for dozens of chapters at Harmony University, Leadership Academies, or with on site workshops. Click here to read more about these new topics and how they can help your chapter’s virtual programming.
During their 30 minute time-slot (more if their availability allows it), a BHS staff member of your choosing would be happy to speak on a selected topic, lead warm-ups, share best practices, or just be a fly on the wall.
Read more: what other chapters are saying about Virtual Chapter Visits
- We wanted to express our sincere gratitude for Chad Bennett meeting with us virtually and giving his time presenting “The History of the Dapper Dans”...everyone in the chorus thoroughly enjoyed the presentation. Given the effect the pandemic (has had) on our craft, we need programs such as this… other choruses and ensembles will benefit from this program as we did!
- Joe (Cerutti) was very engaging and informative in his visit with our singers. His knowledge of our style and innovative ways to keep our members engaged virtually will be a game changer for our chorus.
- The BHS Staff have been so helpful in our virtual rehearsals. We’ve had several of them provide talks and coaching over the past several months and it has been a breath of fresh air for our music team to not have to create 100% of the content and our members are always looking forward to the next visitor!
- THANK YOU to Nate (Ogg) and Katie (Macdonald) so much for your time these last few Tuesday evenings. We appreciate it very much, and I think our group benefited from your talk, advice, and exercises. I will encourage them to continue to use what they learned! It’s certainly kept our members interested and involved while they can’t get together.
Topic options include:
REQUEST A Virtual Chapter Visit

To engage a Harmony Hall staffer or member of the LOPT at a future virtual chorus rehearsal, contact and indicate:
- Your chapter name and rehearsal time
- The staff member (if applicable) and topic you are interested in
- What time you would like them to arrive
- Please give a selection of dates in order to accommodate these requests
Happy virtual rehearsing!
Rehearsal Techniques: Using Technology
Effective Rehearsal Techniques Over Video Conferencing

Barbershop choruses are well positioned to transcend the unpredictability of this pandemic and potentially even come out of this stronger than we entered it, if we act quickly with our unique creativity. Learn how to transcend survival mode and use our creativity and resilience to develop a comprehensive approach to your virtual rehearsals that will reach the wide spectrum of the people your singing community serves.
Joe Cerutti - Director of Outreach, Director of Alexandria Harmonizers
Virtual Rehearsal Techniques

Are your virtual rehearsals getting a little stale? We’ll chat about ideas that feed your singers socially, musically, and educationally!
Katie Macdonald - Recruitment & Retention Manager, Bass of GQ, Music Coordinator of Parkside Melody
Virtual Physical Warmups

Create space. Practice gratitude. Bring awareness to your body.
Learn to release all of the outside stressors at the start of your virtual rehearsal.
Jernie Talles Millán - BHS Marketing Assistant
Ways to virtually support and stay connected with your local community

BHS is so happy that your chapter is staying connected virtually. We know that your local community misses you as well! Have you thought about ways to stay connected with your community virtually? If not, let’s discuss ways that your chapter can stay engaged with the local community that misses you!
Devin Anna Bradford - Community Development Manager
Rehearsal Techniques: General Quartet
Long Distance Quartetting (good for all parties)

Learn concepts that will help long distance quartets identify and achieve goals that they may have. This would include suggestions on a rehearsal setup/agenda as well as how to prioritize what you work on.
Dustin Guyton - Volunteer Manager
Building and Supporting Quartets (good for BOD/Music Teams or entire chorus)

This session will share tips and tricks from chapters with proven success with quartet programs. Whether you have a thriving quartet presence in your chapter, or are just looking for some tips to get started, this session is for you. In addition, since most choruses aren't meeting in person for the foreseeable future, we've come up with some tips to help build upon and encourage quartetting even in a virtual setting.
Danny Becker - Quartet Success Manager
Rehearsal Techniques: Performance
Entertaining Singing and Performance

This course is intended to share a few simple concepts that can help energize your shows and create meaningful connections with any audience. Take your performance to the next level with actions and techniques that anyone can accomplish. Learn a few tips and tricks from a professional entertainer. (30-45 minutes)
Chad Bennett - Show Production Manager
Singing to "No One"

In times of isolation, we can feel discouraged without other singers present. In this session, Katie Macdonald will discuss how we can overcome this mental block of singing to "no one" with strategies to better connect to others and grow as singers.
Katie Macdonald - Recruiting & Retention Manager
Singing Artistically

Learn tips on how to use your voice to transport your audience from the darkened theater into unseen realms of their imagination. Utilize vocal techniques to become a more authentic performer.
Dusty Schleier - Director of Events & Conventions, Certified Performance Judge
Rehearsal Techniques: Music
Developing Musicality

Our musicality depends on how well we understand the song and arrangement we're performing. Artistic interpretation requires an opinion that shouldn't be decided without informed and thoughtful decision making. Learn how to enhance your learning and rehearsal processes to improve/increase your individual and ensemble's overall musicality.
Joe Cerutti - Director of Outreach, Certified Music Judge, Director Alexandria Harmonizers
Barbershop History
Inside the Dapper Dans (or The History of Disney’s Dapper Dans)

How is it possible to perform 2000 shows a year? Here's your chance to learn about the history of one of the Dapper Dans, along with the challenges and advantages of a full-time career as a barbershop quartet singer at "The Most Magical Place on Earth." Get the inside scoop from a former Dapper Dan of nearly twenty years. (60 minutes)
Chad Bennett - Show Production Manager
Contest & Judging
Music Category Advice/Q&A

This session will showcase what the Music Category is, what it was, and where it is going. We will discuss characteristics of performing, arranging, and musicality to achieve a successful sound in barbershop.
Joe Cerutti - Director of Outreach, Certified Music Judge, Director Alexandria Harmonizers
Singing Category Advice/Q&A

This session will showcase what the Singing Category is, what it was, and where it is going. We will discuss characteristics of vocal health and techniques to achieve a successful sound in barbershop.
Nathan Ogg - Chapter Success Manager, Certified Singing Judge
Performance Category Advice/Q&A

This session will showcase what the Performance Category is, what it was, and where it is going. We will discuss characteristics of visual, contextual, and emotive elements to achieve an effective performance in barbershop.
Dusty Schleier - Director of Events & Conventions, Certified Performance Judge
5 Barbershop Social Posts Anyone Can Do This Week

You may not be actively performing in public, but you’re together, growing in barbershop love and knowledge. Dig into that passion with your friends, families, and patrons with these easy social posts that all your members can contribute and share.
Brian Lynch - Public Relations Manager
Introduction to Canva: Make FREE promotional (social media + print) materials

Barbershop Harmony Society Marketing Assistant, Jernie Talles Millán will introduce you to Canva: a free online graphic design software. You will leave this class with tools to navigate the site to create your own compelling promo materials!
Jernie Talles Millán - Marketing Assistant
Using Video to Promote Your Chorus

BHS Video Guru, Jeremy Gover, will share tips & tricks to produce video content for chapters. Whether you have a professional video camera, or just an iPhone, this session will have valuable takeaways on how to connect our music and members with our communities.
Jeremy Gover - Video Production Manager
Five News Stories You Can Pitch This Week

Even during a pandemic, there are meaningful stories to tell about your barbershop experience. Explore ways you can leverage your perseverance through quarantine to get some attention.
Brian Lynch - Public Relations Manager
Five ways to use The Harmonizer for chapter promotion

It’s more than a great bathroom read. Plumb the depths of EIGHTY YEARS of barbershop publishing to share knowledge, reach new communities, and celebrate the joy of barbershop.
Brian Lynch - Public Relations Manager
Recruiting & Retention

YES! It is possible to grow memberships during this pandemic! Learn how to invite new members to your virtual rehearsals and to keep your current members happy and hopeful.
Katie Macdonald - Recruiting & Retention Manager
Learning/Working From Home

Fortunately, many are finding comfort in singing during these times; however, many others are finding the confidence and vulnerability required to sing without the support of others to be highly difficult, frustrating, and unfulfilling. Discover some best practices for working and learning from home that will be more helpful than listening to your learning tracks over and over again.
Joe Cerutti - Director of Outreach, Certified Music Judge, Director Alexandria Harmonizers
Volunteer Management

We will discuss what opportunities exist for anyone looking to volunteer for current or future BHS programming/projects. In addition, we will discuss the future landscape of volunteerism as we brave a post COVID world together.
Dustin Guyton - Volunteer Manager
Society Strategic Plan progress, EiH and State of The Society General Q&A

All questions are welcomed. We want to hear from you! The Society’s strategic plan, launched in 2017, is more than just welcoming everyone into the organization. We all envision a Society where our singing communities are thriving and making a difference in their backyards. We depend on each other to make that happen and further the impact of BHS into communities not currently being served.
Marty Monson - CEO/Executive Director
Customer Service One-on-One (ideal for BOD or groups of leaders)

A private session for assistance with online chapter business management via the Member Center. Get up to speed on adding new members, managing and understanding your chapter roster, and updating leaders, dues, and chapter documents; or any other administrative assistance that might require more than a quick call to customer service.
Rich Smith - Customer Service Representative/Contact Center Success Manager
How to financially manage more than one chorus (ideal for Chapter Boards)

Erik Dove - Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer
What the heck is a BHS club, and HOW can my chapter collaborate with this new BHS offering?

Your chapter MAY have heard of the new BHS Club offering, but what the heck is that? How is it different from the chapter model? Who are the clubs designed for? Let’s discuss how clubs are forming in BHS, and how your chapter can collaborate and support these new groups!
Devin Anna Bradford - Community Development Manager
Inspired by our Virtual Chapter Visit program that has supplied Harmony Hall Staffers to visit and provide content for over 250 virtual chapter meetings during the 2020 Pandemic, the LOPT, a team of volunteer leadership facilitators from around the Society, are happy to offer a variety of topics to help our singing communities. These topics are good for leadership teams, but also entire chapters.
These Leadership Facilitators have been trained and commissioned by the Barbershop Harmony Society with the intent to serve as a community of people who are passionate about making a difference through thought leadership. The facilitator program is one of the components under the volunteer-run LOPT and the staff-run Healthy Chapter Initiative.
Each facilitator is equipped to deliver specific core content leadership curriculum, serve as a support conduit between all of our chapters and further progress and promote the Healthy Chapter Initiative.
Face-to-Face Communication: Parts 1 and 2
Part 1: Learn how to understand two-way communication, including physical, mental and emotional "noise," and body language.What are you really conveying as a speaker, listener, and/or singer?
Part 2: Why are we perceived differently than we intend? How do people's perception and viewpoints differ? What different modes of communication affect how we are perceived?
Five Leadership Roles
Leaders have some Technical competence and can be good Managers. We also demand that leaders take on the role of Trailblazer to imagine the future, Coach to develop people, and Architect to build systems that support the chapter. Support and lead your chapter into the future.
Six Contracts of Delegation
Learn the six “contracts of delegation” to delegate to volunteers. Delegate well and teach others how to delegate to you.
Understand the power of feedback. Use motivational and corrective feedback to build confidence and competence in others. Understand the “fit, focus and timing” of good feedback.
Moments of Truth
Each chapter interaction is a “moment of truth” — the point where an individual chooses to engage or disengage from what is offered. This applies to singers, potential members, guests, audience members, community partners, arts groups and music educators. Create situations that delight and astound.
Converting Strategy to Goals
Using a Gap Analysis, identify which options and priorities have the most impact for short- and long-term goals. Then, use the goal process to create the details of implementation.
Chapter Identity Exercise
If each member were asked to describe your chapter's identity, how different would their answers be? Do an exercise to provoke thought and discussion about why your members keep coming back. The results can be used as a kickoff to THINK!, a program of the Healthy Chapter Initiative.
Show Production
Mastering the Ceremonies - (formerly known as How to be a Great Emcee)

Find out how you can become an effective Master of Ceremonies for any event, including modern methods for Barbershop contests. Learn how emcees can effectively guide an audience through any experience. Public speaking can be intimidating, especially for the first-timer. Take home plenty of tips and tricks guaranteed to enhance almost any event.
Chad Bennett - Show Production Manager
Painting with Light

Looking for an easy way to enhance the look of your event? This topic includes a practical conversation and exploration of stage lighting. Discover multiple lighting design solutions for Barbershop shows and contests. (30-45 minutes)
Chad Bennett - Show Production Manager
Sounds Great! Audio 101

Get in on the ground floor with the basics of audio recording and reproduction. Get a detailed look at the technology behind modern microphones and speakers as well as techniques and placement for your community of artists. (30-45 minutes)
Chad Bennett - Show Production Manager
Show Production Lighting/Audio Planning (ideal for BOD, Music Team, or Show Teams)

Talk through best practices for live audio reinforcement and lighting for stage as well as questions to ask and ways to help ensure success when working with venue management. Ideal for board or committee meetings.
Brent Suver - Online Education Production Manager
Custom Song Clearance

This session will cover the different types of sheet music arrangements and the steps you can take to ensure your arrangement and learning tracks are legal for your group to use and keep.
Janice Bane - Manager of Copyright & Licensing

This session will walk through the process to ensure your chapter’s live public performances are copyright compliant. [For USA Chapters].
Janice Bane - Manager of Copyright & Licensing