Voices of Gotham shares a unique event coming up this weekend:
Unlike your usual barbershop event (read: two-hour concert), this is a lecture/concert that is more informative of the barbershop style and its evolution over the years. Over two days, attendees get a crash course on barbershop and its relevance in today's society. Funded by the BHS Innovation Grant, this initiative is about outreach and education, not turning a profit. We're incredibly excited about the work we've done in collaborating with David Wright and Da Capo, and can't wait to share it with you.
On Saturday, March 19th (2pm), David Wright will be leading a free lecture and workshops on barbershop arranging. This would be useful to anyone new to barbershop arranging, non-barbershop arrangers, and long-time barbershoppers who've wanted to learn more about it. If you leave wanting more, check out your local Harmony College or the week-long Harmony University in July.
On Sunday, March 20th (5pm), the "Lock and Ring" presentation aims to educate barbershoppers and non-barbershoppers alike on the history and development of barbershop music in America. We're targeting educators and musicians in the tristate area but also welcome folks from throughout the Society to come learn from David Wright (lecturing) and Da Capo (demonstrating), with Voices of Gotham performing a couple of "modern" flavors of barbershop. This exciting offering is a combination of David Wright's Barbershop History course and Future History of Barbershop lecture, featuring live examples.
You can learn more at: http://www.voicesofgotham.org/lock-and-ring