What brought you to barbershop singing?
Everyone has a story of the person who taught you your first tag or the first time you heard a chord ring. For some, it’s singing tags until the wee hours of the morning. For others, it’s having the opportunity to sing with the ones they love.
As a part of our newly expanded BHS team focused on Participation and Engagement, I want to know more about WHY you devote your time to this amazing hobby of ours. What brought you to barbershop? Perhaps more importantly, what keeps you singing and participating? I’d love to hear your story! It’s possible that we may publish it in the future on our social media platforms or in our LiveWire newsletter, so please indicate your permission in the form if you’re interested in sharing more widely.
Click here to fill out a short form and feel free to answer in any level of detail you choose.
Please submit your story by Friday, 11/22/19.

Katie Macdonald is the Recruitment and Retention Manager at the Barbershop Harmony Society. She is the bass of Sweet Adelines International 3rd Place Quartet, GQ.
She received a Bachelors of Science in Music with a Minor in Business at Towson University in Baltimore, MD.