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Frequently Asked Questions


What is the Legacy Quartet Championship?

The Legacy Quartet Championship is an unprecedented virtual quartet contest created to determine the best never-to-win BHS quartet. All of these newly available virtual performances will be FREE to watch on our YouTube channel.

The rankings from ticket holders will determine what quartets make it to the finals and what quartet is ultimately deemed the winner. Ticket holders will also receive exclusive access to an interactive chat experience of their choice, hosted by BHS historians, judges, coaches, and gold medalists.

Why is BHS hosting this event?

We're excited this new virtual event for several reasons:

  • We have the opportunity to share hours of priceless performances, none of which have previously been released by BHS.
  • We can recreate a contest experience in a safe way, giving our barbershop community a way to gather and be virtual audience members together.
  • With our live events cancelled, we can continue innovating to provide unique and lasting experiences for our members and community.
  • We have the opportunity to create a truly collaborative project, made possible with funding from all 17 Districts and generously supported by volunteers in the Contest & Judging community and the Association of International Champions.
  • As we embark on a new future with Everyone in Harmony, we have an opportunity to honor and celebrate our past.

Is this event replacing the 2020 International Convention?

Nothing can replace the in-person convention experience! The Legacy Quartet Championship has no impact on our current contest system of qualifying or naming International Quartet Champions.

We do hope that this event will give our members and barbershop contest fans an opportunity to share in the excitement of a contest this year and create something special to look forward to. This is also an opportunity to dive into the archives and share more than 60 performances that have not been available since they were presented live and share them in a familiar format - random draw, two song sets, and in two rounds of competition.

Viewing and Tickets

How do I view the performances?

The video playlists will be uploaded to YouTube on the date of the Semifinals and Finals events. A final posting schedule will be shared closer to the event date.

Watch them here.

Do I need to purchase a ticket to view the performances?

No! All videos will be hosted on YouTube and made available for free to all.

All of the performances will be available on the BHS YouTube channel during and after the event. If you want to see every performance, you can do so at no additional cost and at your own pace. If you’d like to join the interactive chat room experience or help decide the finalists and winners, event tickets are available for purchase.

What benefits are included with my ticket purchase?

We are so excited to offer the following benefits to this virtual event:

  • YOU BE THE JUDGE: Ticket holders will serve as our competition judges and vote for the Top Ten and the ultimate winners of the Legacy Quartet Competition.
  • CHOOSE YOUR CHAT EXPERIENCE: Ticket holders will receive exclusive access to an interactive chat experience with a wide array of BHS quartet champions, BHS historians, BHS judges, and prominent barbershoppers. Choose from three unique options: Society History, Hospitality Room, or Chat With the Champs.

What is the refund policy?

Your purchase is fully refundable until August 7, 2020, with a $10 service charge. We are not able to grant refunds after August 7, 2020.

For additional information, please call 800.876.SING or email

Chat Rooms

Who will host the chat rooms?

We have partnered with our District Presidents Council (DPC), our Contest and Judging committee (C&J), and the Association of International Champions (AIC) to put together an all-star panel of arrangers, judges, barbershop historians, gold medalists, and coaches to host each of our unique chat room experiences. The specific rotation of hosts for each room will be announced closer to the events.

What are the chat room experiences available?

There are three chat room options:

Society History

Watch the contest with our best BHS historians! This will be an immersive experience that’s part barbershop history lesson and part Q&A. Our hosts will share details about each of the competitors as well as the BHS culture and contest atmosphere in the era the quartet competed.

Hospitality Room

An afterglow that happens during the contest! This chat room experience will be focused on providing a social hangout where our hosts and attendees share personal stories and barbershop adventures while watching the contest together.

Chat With the Champs

A new version of “Sing with the Champs”! This chat room experience will provide ticket holders the opportunity to be hosted by various BHS quartet champions. They’ll share stories, talk about the contest experience, and answer questions in between virtual competitors.

How do I select which chat room option I would like to participate in?

When you register, you will be able to select which chat room option you prefer. Please Note: Chat room selections are available on a first come, first served basis. We cannot guarantee that you will be assigned to your first choice, so register early!

Will I need to download a separate program to use/ join the chat rooms?

We will be using Zoom to host the chat room and view the contest. If you haven’t used Zoom before, download the Zoom app. You can test your system by visiting and selecting “Join” prior to the events on August 22nd and August 29th.

When will I receive the links to join the chat sessions?

Your custom chatroom links will be emailed to you the week of the Semifinals and Finals events.

Voting and Results

How were the top quartets selected?

The Barbershop Harmony Society collaborated with SCJC chair Steve Armstrong to put together a committee of barbershop historians, AIC members, and other members of the judging community. They were given complete freedom to dig through the Barbershop Harmony Society’s vast archives to select any quartets they felt were the best to never win. Current quartet competitors (as of May 1, 2020) and those who finished in the 2019 Top Ten were excluded from the Legacy Quartet Competition.

How do I vote?

After you purchase your event ticket, you’ll have access to an online ballot for the round(s) for which you have a ticket. After each round, you’ll vote by ranking each competing quartet in the order you choose, from 1-20 for the semi-finals and 1-10 for the finals.

I want to vote more than once. Is that allowed?

No. Each ticket holder will be allowed one ballot. Make your vote count!

When will the Legacy Quartet Championship results be announced?

Results will be announced the week following the finals event.

View the results here.

Will the winners be granted official BHS medals?

No. There will be a unique award to honor the members of the winning quartet, but we will not be awarding traditional medals for this event.

Will the winners join the AIC?

No. We are working with the AIC to see if there is a way that the Barbershop Harmony Society and the AIC can honor them in a special way, but the winners will not be granted status as AIC members.